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Monday, July 4, 2011

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William & Kate protesters, Montreal, July 2, 2011

I kept the best for the last! The protesters! Who were they? Some pretty dumb Quebeckers decided to protest against the monarchy, without understanding that us, Canadians, earn our place because of England, first of all. Look closely at those poor people. Those individuals are the shame of the Canadian nation.

English translation would be: monarchy, no one had vote for that. Pretty stupid. We did not vote for monarchy, but monarchy its part of the Canadian heritage. you don't like monarchy? Well, separate Quebec, do what you had failed to do for decades now, your piece of shit!

This black flag is the official flag of the Réseau de Résistance du Québécois (RRQ), which could roughly be translated by Resistance Network for Quebeckers... It's an extremist group who protest for Quebec to become a country. Gees, they spend decades trying, without being successful. Quebec needs to learn with its failure. But they didn't learn anything yet. Fools are fools and will never change. If you are living outside Quebec province but are willing to move to Quebec for studies or work, well, I am a good advice giver and carer and my best advice to you would be: STAY AWAY. Go through this blog, you'll see how awful Quebeckers had been to me and I plan to post something very more detail, a condensate of all those experiences with Quebec. Ok, I can hear you, what are you waiting to leave? Well, its a matter of demography and job status of where I am coming from in New Brunswick. I am not from a very poor town, but it's not that rich either. That's basically why I am working at building myself a strong portfolio so one day I will be able to leave and I won't have to care about having a job or not. Until that time or until the time I can relocate and find a job someplace else I will be right here on the Dividend Girl, bitching about the enemies. Always remember, never forgive, never forget. The enemies are from inside the country, they are the Quebeckers.

Peace and God save the Queen, prayers for William & Kate.

Oh, and this is a video I took. This is the departure of William and Kate. I tried my best to cover the BOUs by my YEAHs... you'll here me in here, that's my voice! I am an ex-clarinet player, I scream very very loud. Listen to hear the voice of the Dividend Girl...

Also, I have another video on it's way, it's following William and Kate departure and it's very cool, but a bit long and it take forever to download the videos on youTube... but, that video will probably be post tomorrow! Stay tune!

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William & Kate press, Montreal, July 2, 2011

I am not done yet with my pictures of the Montreal Royal Tour event! Many journalists and press were there. Here are the pictures!


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