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Sunday, May 25, 2008

My overtime is back!

I get all excited on Friday evening when I learn that overtime was available for the weekend. But what I dislike most about it is the fact that I learn it by another co-worker that overtime was available. Some co-workers had been called, other where tell at the work place itself that overtime was available, but no general announcement was made. Since December, I have been working roughly 50 hours per week at that job. So I really didn’t like at all to learn it by somebody else that overtime was available. Like if I was not a good worker or something like that.

But another is that they required that we do the whole shift, a 7.5 one. Usually, on Saturday and Sunday, I only work part-time shift. I don’t want to burn myself to dead, since I work also part-time in a survey job. It might be the reason why I didn’t learn about it, since they are use to see me working part-time shift on Saturday and Sunday. I would have appreciated it if someone had told me that overtime was available anyway, since there was none available for quite a while now. Anyway, I plan to stay at that job for a year. After what I will probably have my 50 000$ and I will be able to move forward. After what I will have gain experience and be able to find a job someplace else that pay better.

So yesterday, I went to work, I did the whole shift and I was very tired. I have a cold and I had been sick lately. I have a bad headache. I slept late today and stay in bed.

So it’s why today I slept late and stay at bed. I didn’t want to work today. I find it already hard to go to work yesterday, even if I only begin at 11h. I could have work again today, but I am too tired and prefer to stay home and write on my blog. I miss blogging everyday like I use to do. But it’s kind of impossible now, with that work schedule from 9 am to midnight. I find myself quite lucky to find a part-time job that fit in my other full-time job. I just hope things remain they are until the end of the year.

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