Today, Derek Foster was one of the speakers for the MoneyShow, which had for topic: "Canadian COVID-19 Market Update: Opportunities and Strategies for What Comes Next". Derek Foster presentation was: What Can You Do When the Stock Market Is Crashing? Derek really stole the show today! It was an interesting speech. It will be available on the MoneyShow's web site soon. Over the years, Derek Foster books really help me to establish my portfolio. It's actually how I started investing in stocks. I was going nowhere with my mutual funds and at the time, I just felt that there was a way to do things better. Investing in stock was my only option. If I wouldn't have invested in stocks, my net worth would currently be much lower. At first, I wasn't too sure on how to take Derek Foster books Stop Working, but I went in and it was all good after that. It was the little push that I needed to start investing in stocks. I planned to read his books back again, including Stop Working, which I didn't read in quite some time.
The current pandemic is helping me in many ways. I am spending a lot less, and I spend less in eating out, which should now be named eating in. For I don't know how long now, I usually get a hair cut every 2 months-3 months or so because I wear my hair quite short. But my problem is that my hair grows quickly. I have a lot of hair, and they are curly, which can get super missy. I think I had my last hair cut back in February, but it's not too bad, so I decided to let my hair grow. I also have some highlights done in my hair every 4-5 months, but I decided not to have highlights anymore, I am done.
I had been working from home since the beginning of the pandemic. And sincerely, I now prefer to work from home. To be at ease, I am only missing a printer, but I can work without one. It's just that sometimes, I would like to read on paper important instructions in hand, instead of having everything on one working screen. Working from home is better for me because that way I am tempted to buy any coffees, and I don't eat out. It's too easy to spend money while being in a workplace, at least for me.
I feel that I am getting back to the "old" me, when I was making little money, but I was saving money like crazy. I had months where I was spending less than $1 000, including rent. I used to be quite of a marvelous little saver. This pandemic actually put be back on my old ways. It's just that over time, while my net worth was increasing without too much help, I lose it up a little. At this point, I feel I am just kind of on a borderline. A net worth in the $200 000 is in a between being a lot, and not a lot. Now, it's easier for me to save some money, I will probably invest again soon enough. If only the TSX could go back to the 17 000 points, I could make it to the 200k. I am have been in the 200k for too long now, something has to move forward.