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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Welcome in my non-registered portfolio Laurentian Bank of Canada (LB)!

I made a new investment today, a few shares of Laurentian Bank of Canada (LB) for my non-registered portfolio. Since Just Energy (JE) had declined in value and that will sooner or later affect the value of my margin, I kind of had no choice - or 2 choices: to invest inside my non-registered to boost my margin value or simply inject cash with a 100% inside my margin.

Just adding cash in was too boring so I taught about going on with an easy girly fancy stock: a bank stock. Quite a surprising move coming from the anti-Quebec that I am, but I need something relatively stable and with a yield of at least 4%. I am still anti-Quebec, no matter what, but I am happy with my move. I like to welcome in some new stocks. My non-registered is now at $135 607.68.

Go baby go.

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