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Sunday, January 17, 2016

These days, the stock market doesn't deserve any attention

This past Friday, my non-registered portfolio closed the session at a horrible $115 282.07. 

If I don't write a lot lately, its because I am very busy. Its busy at work, but I try to leave as soon 5 pm arrived so I can hit the gym and burn some calories before hitting to... Varadero Cuba. 

I registered to my local Econofitness and I had been working out every single day ever since, at the exception of today, because the gym is closed on Sundays. Working out is like a drug., but a good one. Its easy to get in the rhythm of work-gym-bed time. I really like working out.
I am expecting to continue even following my Cuba trip - if I ever come back lol.

The stock market is very disturb. In the meantime, I prefer to put my energies someplace else other than watching the tragedy taking place. I barely pay attention to what is going on right now, believe it or not. My portfolio can go as low as it wanted too, as long I can cover my margin account, I will have the rest of my life to recover. 

Things are extremely shacked up because, among other, the drop in the value of oil. CNR, RY, could worth right now the investment. It take a lot of resilience to invest in those down markets. Its when the markets are down that we need to invest - try to remember that.

I am getting my suitcase for Cuba ready.

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