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Thursday, October 21, 2021

I reached my highest value EVER on October 20: welcoming a SUPER $336,781.52 NET WORTH

Yesterday was quite a good day for my investment portfolio. I was able to close the day with a total of $384,785.92 in assets, and a net worth of $336,781.52. Today, my numbers are a bit lower, which was to be expected at some points. Even a Dividend Girl cannot always be on top of her game. My non-registered portfolio closed today session at $138 290,77, my RRSP portfolio (stocks only) at $61 967,50, and my TFSA portfolio at $130 997.01. 

I updated my dividend income. Overall, my dividend income is now at $10,174.44 for a year. If I excluded the dividend earned inside my RRSP, I earned $8,547.16 for a year or $712.26 per month. My main focus remains the quality of the assets that I hold. I welcome dividends as a little extra.

I am doing fine in New Brunswick. The weather is getting colder here. 

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