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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Lumenpulse Inc. (LMP): the new Quebec gold mine

My non-registered portfolio hit on the $137 447.52 value today. I have more than 15k left on my margin and I am very tempted by investing a 2k inside my TFSA. I previously explain how I made $500 on JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN). For my next investment move inside TFSA, I am still interested by JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN), but for now, I have a different plan.

Currently, the Canadian stock market is a real summer paradise. My portfolios are performing well, great dividend and great capital gain overall. For now, the stock market is easy. Its the perfect time to move forward into a brand new investment plan. JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN) will always be hot, but right now, I want to make quick and easy cash.

I first invested in Lumenpulse Inc. (LMP) back in late April of this year and not even 3 months later, I made $111 on my investment. If I can make $100 every 3 months on LMP, I will be very happy. It may not be the case, but I think LMP is on a good position to bring generous cash to investors like the Dividend Girl if you see what I mean.

No one can know for sure, but I think that Lumenpulse Inc. (LMP) is a safe bet. With no dividend distribution, LMP can only be trade for the real cold cash.


Cntrysky said...

What do you known about them? I did a bit of research with what little time I have at the moment and it does look promising depending on the price of course. On top of it, it turns out that they were the ones that did our lighting at the high level bridge here in Edmonton for our Canada Day celebration. It is nice to see that they have been around for a while therefore have some history before their IPO. Later tonight I will be doing some further research in depth. What have you gathered on your own?

Sunny said...

When you have the in deep feeling that you hit on something real hot, time to stop thinking, act and cash in the CASH.

What I know about LMP is all out there.

You can also perform a search on my blog - I had talked about LMP many times before.

The CEO own also another company or had - it did very well and it was debt free, which is really rare.

The sector there in is quite specialize and I don't see that much competition and the CEO is super hot.


Thank you

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