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Monday, August 12, 2019

Selling both LAS.A and LSPD at the same time

Today, I proceed with the sell of my Lassonde Industries Inc. (LAS.A) stocks. At first, LAS.A was starting the day on a positive note, so I taught twice before selling, but I finally place my move and I don't regret it because LAS.A closed on a negative note, losing 2.35%. In result, my margin debt is now down to 43,724.17‬. 

Shortly after selling LAS.A, I decided to sell my investment in Lightspeed POS Inc. (LSPD) to cash in a quick profit, just like I did before. LSPD looked like it wanted to go down, so I didn't want to lose the opportunity to a nice little quick gain. I don't know what does mean for LSDP, but the stock closed on a trading halt. And the reason why is that LSPD announced 6 million + in subordinate voting shares. I am not quite sure in which direction LSPD will be hitting tomorrow morning, but I am just glad I got rid of it, at least for now. I will have a few hundred to pay down from my little pockets for dental health care, so I am not unhappy that I sold LSPD, it just came at the right time for me.

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