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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Just Energy Income Fund (JE.UN) belong to small investors

The TSX gains some points today and I hope that for once, the gains will last. My non registered portfolio seem to be at 46 728$. I am hoping for some new gains real soon. Now that the Jazz Festival is over, I will be following my investment a bit more. I took some very awesome pictures and I will eventually post them on my blog.

As for now, the heat is horible as I am living it without air conditioning at home. Air conditioning or not, I am still receiving dividend… and I had received on July 6th Just Energy Income Fund (JE.UN) dividend of 76.15$. This bring my 2010 dividend earns so far to 1 774.30$. Which is very nice. So far, the month of July had been great, but June pass by too quickly. I will be turning 30 in August and I had planned all kind of stuff to do in the meantime you know, like things to do before getting older…. But time running up too fast for me so here am I, writing about things and projects I really wanted to do… but you know, time or some real organization skill is missing from my part. I had been easy on my stuff, working the minimum hours to keep things going on. I didn’t work as much as I could on my investment project but at a point, my 100 000$ in assets project began to take to much place as I handle many jobs and so on. I am not distubed about having to work several job at a time to reach my goal……

I worry instead about my weight. In 2009, I took several extra pounds that I am not used to have. Reason why? In 2009, I work at 3 jobs, working from Monday to Sunday, a good 80 hours per week. I don’t have any problm there… But… I began to pack pounds as I was working all the time, eating like usual, but doing no exercice. When I had some time off, I was too tired and I count several time where, during a Sunday or Saturday, after spending the day at work, I sometime directly get home, going to bed shortly after eating a quick snack as I was exhausted. That time was quite great or me as I was able to make good money. I got pretty much into the stop working kind of deal of you know who. But that time wasn’t too great for my health and still today, I pay the price for spending too much time working and not doing exercise. When you work too much you don’t have time for yourself, no more time to walk downtown Montreal and stuff. This month of July, I go to work without a metro pass but just working around 1h30 per day and up is not enough for me to loose weigh. I will need to sweat a lot more lol. You know, sometimes I look at myself in mirror and say geessss that I am fat lol. Not that I was tight slim before, but I was better. I had a pair of Sweetheart jeans from Old Navy that really like, but I don’t fit in them anymore…. Got a portrait of the situation here?

And now I wonder how long will it take me to look like my old self again. My weight is due to excess hours spend working but also my sugar teeth and you know, junk food. So this is all my fault. So now, I need to loose weight, build an emergency fund and find a third job (!!!). Crazy time, hope my thirty year will be even wilderrrrrr agrrrrrrrrrr.... lol. And yep, Just Energy Income Fund (JE.UN) belong to small investors like myself, believe it or not. Like it or not.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Getting a taste of the Beast at the Montreal Jazz Festival

Yesterday, the TSX lost 343 points and yesterday, I wasn’t in front of my laptop, counting my losses, I was at the Montreal Jazz Festival. I discove one of the most original Montreal band: Beast. Beast was giving a free concert at Montreal Jazz Festival and it was an awesome show! I after listen to their music online. But it’s soo not the same thing! I hope people go went see their show because it’s the best way to discove their music. Not that it’s better in live, but it’s different when you listen to Beast music at home in a quiet one and a half apartment. Beast is not made to be listening in quiet places. Need some noises and an atmosphere to appreciate. My favorite song of Beast seem to be name Mange ta ville. You can listen to it here.

When I saw yesterday that the TSX was loosing points like crazy, I was concerned, of course, but it was like a déjà vu sensation. Like you know, I already went through a major crash in 2008, and now, its back. This time, the loss are not that major. The TSX gain a couple of points today, which is a good sign. The stock market is quite fragile, I prefer to stay away, enjoy the Jazz Festival. And I have to say, I had quite enjoy it so far. This evening, I took a rest from the Festival. My place was getting distusting and I had no more clean clothes to wear. When the market fall, the best thing to do is, of course, not to sell, just keep going, to something else than counting the money loss. I should be more concerned by all the money loss, but if I decided to invest my money in stocks and other, its for a long run. And I belive that no one should be afraid, no one should sell. Not now. Regarding yesterday loses, Barack Obama himself said he was optimisted and it seem he really wanted to calm investors. It work for me, Barack Obama could tell me to take a wild run into traffic that I would do it. You know, like me and Obama, its for life. So it Barack Obama is optimisted, I am too. And of course, I won’t sell my investment and you should do exactly the same thing, best friend advice. So far in my investment, I had been lucky enough to manage myself in a way that it alow me to keep my assets on the market. I never had to sell an investment in which I had loss money. I had loss money, but I like to say that no loss is official until losses are declared, meaning that there is no losses until the assets is sell. So technically speaking, I didn’t loose so far in my investment life any money at all and this is making me the best of all. I mean the best investor see. lol……

You have to laugh in those difficult time and not to sell your investments is extremely important at this point. The market will again one day reach the 15 000 points and when it will, we’ll all say, we are back in 2008. Just like in 2008. So strange because I open my broker account at TD Waterhouse just before the stocks crash. I like to think about it in a way that God decided it was going to be this way for me so I can take advantage at what in passing by. Either it is a recession, a laid off from BMO Bank of Montreal or buying stocks at a great price value. You know, that kind of deal.

The stock market is all crap, but companies are still paying dividend. And talking about dividend, I had received lately 16.65$ from Methanex Corporation (MX), 15.33$ from
Davis + Henderson Income Fund (DHF.UN) and 21.60$ from The Consumers’ Waterheater Income Fund (CWI.UN). I finally got my Consumers’ Waterheater to DRIP. I had around 32$ in cash in my broker account. The money will go as payment on my credit line. At this time, I had to choose between making another investment (again!) or keep the money in cash in case of need. I decided to pay off my credit line a bit. I am working this weekend at my weekend job but as for now, it’s a week to week situation as a lack of work is coming to hit me soon.

This is actually really funny in a way because in the last couple of weeks, I said that my next investment was going to be 100 stocks of Corby Distilleries Limited (CDL.A). Yesterday, when the TSX was loosing more than 300 points, most of the companies I had invested in had lost value. But one company had gain value in my portfolio yesterday. Just one. And that one was Corby Distilleries (CDL.A). Believe it or not, yesterday, Corby Distilleries had finished the day at 15.85$ per stock! Guess I am now a good stock picker! Because its all about the pick, investment in stocks is only about the company that you yourself will choose. I should say that Derek Foster is a good stock picker and I am pretty damn good to follow his picks! There’s something about magic when it comes to Corby Distilleries (CDL.A), I am telling you.

Happy Canada Day to all real Canadians. :O)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I find the perfect mix: Jazz and Dividend and always the Jazz and the Dividend

I had been quiet lately as I enjoyed Montreal Jazz Festival. I saw all the evenings show from Friday to Sunday and tonight, even if an amazing artist was performing, Lulu Hugues, I decided to stay away from the Festival for tonight. Working during day-time and seeing the great evening shows at the Festival had exhausted me at some point. I was amazed by the shows I saw, especially by Jazz Mafia, a band I saw yesterday. The music was just very special, a mix of hip hop, blues and jazz all mix together. Very fascinating. It takes people with great deal of energy and originality to play such music and Jazz Mafia is all that nice mix all together. Like WOW!

I had been watching my stocks and units in the meantime and on a day like today, my investment portfolio loss in value, following the TSX. I am concerned about how things are going to be in the next couple of months. You know, when you read in the Globe and Mail that someone like Paul Krugman, an economist and writer for the New York Time say that we might going straight forward to a third recession, that’s kind of scary. As for now, I am not looking to sell. My positions will remain the same, no matter how bad things are going to be in a close future. But it’s a good thing that someone well-known come forward and publicly warn investors on what could happen next. Because we are still in it you know, we are still in the depression. All those TSX ups and downs, that’s a sign right there that things are not going too well. Also, I read a very interesting post from a US blogger, Annienygma from Living on $500 a Month or Less. She explains she had friends who are currently under unemployment benefits. Unable to find a job, they will soon be facing the cut of their unemployment benefits. Near 1 million of Americans are currently living that situation. Why? Because the Congress had decided not to renew their benefits period. This is very sad because these people are paying the price for George W. Bush and other incompetents, a bit like myself, facing the hypocrisy of my late employer, BMO Bank of Montreal who decided to laid off me after allowing me a 5 000$ credit line and a 4 000$ credit card. Got the picture? Myself, my whole career is kind of a disaster. I am alone in Montreal, living far away from my family, not having a family of my own, living completely alone, without a husband or any children of my own. And what if I would had to loose it all, you know, my investment portfolio?

Well, that would simply be the end of the Dividend Girl, I guess. The end of my blog.

It’s not like I am under panic – I sympathize with the Americans, with those who might have to fill for bankruptcy, those who had families with kids and had a hard time to pay their bills. Because I could be myself in that kind of situation. As for now, the plan had worked well. I am happy with my month-to-month dividend earnings and the way things are going. Even while facing different situation, I had been able to do what I wanted to do, financially speaking. As for now, I am working to pay off a 400$ credit card debt, which will be completely be pay off tomorrow. Also, instead of investing as I wanted to do for the month of July, I will just put some money aside. For June, I had made some payments on my TD credit line. And I plan to do the same thing during the month of July. I am just 2 months away from my birthday; I wouldn’t like to have to sell some of my investments just because I am running out of cash right. But good news, I am still working next week at my weekend job, at least for Saturday. So I don’t know too much more than that where I am going as everything as a taste of being unreal. I am just getting really confuse. Anyhow, confuse or not, I am listening to Jazz Mafia and its bringing peace to my mind.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Long term or short term investment: what's the best for small investors?

Real too bad that the stock market had to loose points today. The market volatility is making it very difficult for my 100 000$ goal! The stock market is going crazy and so am I. I am going completely nuts! 5 years of investment, almost 3 years on the stock market, but still, I am not getting use to the ups and downs of the market! Anyhow, despite a difficult stock market and a difficult job situation, I had save 589$ during the month of June. The money had been applied as payment on my 8.25% credit line. Live is crazy as not more than the stock market itself – so better prepare for the worst. Why am I saying this? Well, a colleague of mine got fired just a couple of days. A very nice guy, English spoken only. Always on time and from my point of view, was good at the job. But he got fired. After 3 years or so. I don’t have a clue of what happen. No one actually knows what happen. And shortly after, I got one of his friend that came to me, asking me for 30$. She almost cries, saying she was embarrassed to ask me money, but she only needed 30$... I borrow her the 30$, but I explain her that I had myself a difficult situation. I didn’t think about not borrowing her the 30$, it never crossed my mind. But what if I would be the one in need of 30$? Well, I would wait for my next dividend payment or use my credit card. Having credit, and believe it or not, having more than 37 000$ in debts is a blessing.

It’s a blessing to be able to use money for the only purpose of spending money for everyday uses, it’s a blessing to be able to use credit to invest. And I am very bless to have thousands of dollars of credit! When I was younger – I am still young yeah, but I really mean when I was in my young twenties, I was a credit card and credit fanatic. Back than, I open an American Express, a TD Visa, a TD credit line, a CIBC Visa, etc… But I guess opening credit at a young age had paid well. My relation with credit is kind of particular, as many of credit I own is being unused. I love credit card, those chic-a-chics card really made me happy. So when Bank of Scotia refuses, just last spring, my RSP loan, I really hate Bank of Scotia for doing this for me. I could have got the loan if I would had own some cash, which I don’t. All of my money is invested and my choice of being a Dividend Girl had made it impossible for me to obtain credit at Bank of Scotia. I explain I was receiving more than 4 000$ in cash from my dividend and so on. But nothing help. So I came to the conclusion that staff working at Bank of Scotia are a bunch of incompetents, just like the ones of BMO Bank of Montreal. You know, like those people need a real wake up call! I am the one who is holding almost 90 000$ in assets, I am the one receiving 4 000$ in dividend, isn’t enough? So here I discover the tough reality: cash worth more than anything. At least for Bank of Scotia. So why should I deal with people who had refused me an RSP loan, why should I do business with ignorant who had treated my money so disrespectfully. Because you need to know the portfolio, the girl and dividends right. Like me and Bank of Scotia, we don’t share the same vision on things. And strangely, because of Derek Foster, I own Bank of Scotia stocks.

Fact is, forget about cash. Stocks worth more than cash but seem like Bank of Scotia do not have that philosophy. But…. Surprise, things are different at TD Canada Trust. Talking about TD Canada Trust, I just came from an article of Larry MacDonald, very interesting…. It’s about a guy who say not to hold, just to invest for the short term… Strange isn’t? But this is not strange when you know the guy is an American. The situation is quite unsecured in the States and I guess that investment for a short term might be the new way to go for the Americans. Which is kind of sad. Investment for a long term is much more rewarding and interesting than for the short term. And here, with my 5 big years in the investment field, I know what I am talking about for sure lol. So I guess some examples are required.

You may not believe me, but I first invested in Pembina Income Fund (PIF.UN) when the unit price was 12$ per unit! On date of today, the unit price is raising to an almost 18$! Another good example, 100 stocks of Methanex at 15$ per stock… Currently, MX is at something close to 23$! It can be very rewarding to invest for a long term because valuable companies increase in value over time. Of course, I am naming 2 of my majors « hit », but I made wrong moves and loose money among the way and things got pretty…… nasty lol. I had to go through a failure period to discover that the only way to make money out of the stock market for me was to follow the teaching of Derek Foster. And trust me, there is no better way! And that’s why Derek Foster is a bestseller author. So why spend time reading book about a short term strategy when you can go with a stop working strategy? Isn’t a stop working strategy much much better? Of course it is.

Anyhow, despite the current market volatility, if investment in quality companies, investment for the long term is still the way to go. So when I read this article of Larry MacDonald about short term investment, I just can think about how this is just at the exact opposite of my view of how should individuals invest. Like investment is not a game. I borrowed 7 000$ on a credit card balance transfer at 4.5% only to invest in Just Energy Income Fund (JE.UN). Do you really believe I made this as a short term investment? Investment need to be made for long term. Small investors can loose real precious time at trying to figure out if it’s a good time to invest. Trying to time the market is never a good thing. So far, I made my investments whenever money was available and surprisely, the result had been good. Why? Because I didn’t try to time too much the market I did what I had to do: I invested the money where I felt it was going to be at its best.

Just to explain a bit more of what I am trying to explain, here what I had promised to Canuck (a reader) for a long time now, my investments, the money made… and lost… WOW… Almost feeling like getting naked… or in better lol.

Holding is better than a short-selling action scheme. Here’s the why and the dark side of my story with investment

In this exercise, I took my major holder, and separate them in a Profit and Loss Section. Let’s start with the ugly losses.


Timminco (TIM):
Initial investment value: 4 065$
Value in date of June 21: 124$
Loss: 3 941$

Sprott Inc. (SII):
Initial investment value: 4 983.64$
Value in date of June 21: 1 802.50$
Loss: 3 181.14$

Sprott Canadian Equity Fund:
Initial investment value: 7 033.50$
Value in date of June 21: 5 195.90$
Loss: 1 837.60$

Blue Note Mining (BNT):
Initial investment value: 689$
Value in date of June 21: 30$
Loss: 659$

Hanwei Energy Services (HE):
Initial investment value: 674$
Value in date of June 21: 124.50$
Loss: 549.50$

RBC U.S. Mid-Cap Equity Fund C$:
Initial investment value: 2 300$
Value in date of June 21: 1 765.73$
Loss: 534.27$

RBC O’Shaughnessy International Equity Fund:
Initial investment value: 1 000$
Value in date of June 21: 553.06$
Loss: 446.94$

Maritime Life Trimark Europlus Seg Fund:
Initial investment value: 1 000$
Value in date of June 21: 560.05$
Loss: 439.95$

Just Energy Income Fund (JE.UN):
Initial investment value: 10 055.09$
Value in date of June 21: 9 632.59$
Loss: 422.50$

Maritime Life International Equity Fund (Templeton):
Initial investment value: 1 000$
Value in date of June 21: 589.85$
Loss: 410.15$

Premium Brands Holdings Corporation (PBH):
Initial investment value: 2 899$
Value in date of June 21: 2 574$
Loss: 325$

RBC O’Shaughnessy Canadian Equity Fund:
Initial investment value: 3 000$
Value in date of June 21: 2 700.19$
Loss: 299.81$

Dumont Nickel Inc. (DNI):
Initial investment value: 719$
Value in date of June 21: 431.25$
Loss: 287.75$

RBC Global Resources Fund:
Initial investment value: 1 000$
Value in date of June 21: 833.08$
Loss: 166.92$

Manulife Simplicity Growth Portfolio:
Initial investment value: 1 000$
Value in date of June 21: 837.28$
Loss: 162.72$

Bell Aliant Regional Communications Income Fund (BA.UN):
Initial investment value: 2 708.78$
Value in date of June 21: 2 552$
Loss: 156.78$

CIBC Emerging Markets Index Fund:
Initial investment value: 500$
Value in date of June 21: 399.17$
Loss: 100.83$

RBC O’Shaughnessy All-Canadian Equity Fund:
Initial investment value: 1 100$
Value in date of June 21: 1 026.82$
Loss: 73.18$

Maritime Life Fidelity True North Seg Fund:
Initial investment value: 1 000$
Value in date of June 21: 960.04$
Loss: 39.96$

Maritime Life CI Harbour Seg Fund:
Initial investment value: 1 000$
Value in date of June 21: 995.35$
Loss: 4.65$

TOTAL OF LOSS: 14 039.65$


Pembina Pipeline Income Fund (PIF.UN):
Initial investment value: 6 068.79$
Value in date of June 21: 7 521.05$
Profit: 1 452.26$

Pengrowth Energy Trust (PGF.UN):
Initial investment value: 1 147.93$
Value in date of June 21: 2 148.66$
Profit: 1 000.73$

Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS):
Initial investment value: 4 756.72$
Value in date of June 21: 5 464.30$
Profit: 707.58$

Methanex Corporation (MX):
Initial investment value: 1 626.80$
Value in date of June 21: 2 317.50$
Profit: 690.70$

Yellow Pages Income Fund (YLO.UN):
Initial investment value: 2 325.39$
Value in date of June 21: 2 825.75$
Profit: 500.36$

Enbridge Income Fund (ENF.UN):
Initial investment value: 3 735.94$
Value in date of June 21: 4 206.70$
Profit: 470.76$

Fortis (FTS):
Initial investment value: 2 651.47$
Value in date of June 21: 2 989.20$
Profit: 337.73$

Claymore Gold Bullion ETF (CGL):
Initial investment value: 3 587.30$
Value in date of June 21: 3 758.56$
Profit: 171.26$

EnCana Corporation (ECA):
Initial investment value: 3 230$
Value in date of June 21: 3 524$
Profit: 294$

Emera Incorporated (EMA):
Initial investment value: 4 996.60$
Value in date of June 21: 5 090.40$
Profit: 93.80$

Corby Distilleries Limited (CDL.A):
Initial investment value: 1 530$
Value in date of June 21: 1 555$
Profit: 25$

RBC Canadian Dividend Fund:
Initial investment value: 500$
Value in date of June 21: 511.86$
Profit: 11.86$

CIBC Monthly Income Fund:
Initial investment value: 1 000$
Value in date of June 21: 1 004.88$
Profit: 4.88$

CIBC Dividend Growth Fund:
Initial investment value: 500$
Value in date of June 21: 502.69$
Profit: 2.69$

TOTAL PROFIT: 5 763.61$

I know, the losses are quite… phenomenal. I lost a total of 14 039.65$ in bad investments. I made a profit of 5 763.61$ from my good investment so far. First thing, it’s easier to loose money from the stock market than to make money out of it.

If we add the total of money loss (14 039.65$) to the value of my portfolio is date of June 21 (88 336.16$), we reach the amount of 102 375.81$.

Which mean that if I wouldn’t had lost 14 039.65$, I would had reached my 100 000$ assets goal by now. Part of the biggest loosers investment (Timminco (TIM), Sprott Inc. (SII) and Sprott Canadian Equity Fund) had been made about 2 years ago. Interesting to notice: Manuvie segrated fund are really really bad! Manuvie segregated fund had contribute to the 14 000$ and something lost. These investments had been made around 3 to 4 years ago… And 3 to 4 years later, Manuvie fund had not be able to provide any profit to my portfolio.

Since I stop investing in mutual funds and begin to stick to the Stop Working Strategy of Derek Foster, results had been amazing. I had been quite impressed with my latest RSP pick, Claymore Gold Bullion ETF (CGL), EnCana Corporation (ECA) and Emera Incorporated (EMA). Those 3 had been great performers.

I had to loose money in bad investment to understand the stock market. Loosing 14 000$ in bad investment to understand the stock market, does it really worth it? Well in my case, yes, as I plan to continue to invest in the future. A 14 000$ lost to understand it all is not that much to pay, in a certain way. But fact is, I wouldn’t had lost 14 000$ if I would had stick to Derek Foster portfolio. That’s the true and the only true. I said it before and I will say it again. You know, that Eric Sprott, he might be a nice guy, but Eric Sprott is not what it takes in a Stop Working portfolio. Why? Because when it come to Eric Sprott and the other big player guys like Jean-François Tardif, too much speculation is involve. And at their level, they don’t care if small investors are going to loose money because of them. Because I am telling the true: making you loose money won’t keep them awake at night. (Got the picture? It’s the small investors vs. the big guys!). The big guys include people like Eric Sprott, but not only. They also include banks who sell mutual funds, insurance companies like Manuvie, just to name one. Once you loose money in one of their mutual funds or segregated funds, banks and insurance don’t care, they don’t refund the money lost. That’s why the only way to go is by following the Stop Working strategy.

Anyhow, I will eventually recover from my losses, its never fun to publicly exposes so much money lost but its not like I am a shame of it either. Just part of the package lol.

I know, 14 000$ lost in the stock market 37 000$ in debts……. Where in hell is the Dividend Girl going lol… Not far for now for sure lol, but hey, don’t forget my 4 000$ and something dividend I will earn for 2010 ok? And not to forget that the game is not over yet! Who's going to win? :0)

If I could make a good 3 000$ per month like before, I could invest more in some good investment that could help me forgive my 14 000$ lost. By good investment, I have in mind CGL, ECA, ENB…… The big expensive ones. I had come to a point where I believe that a way to get over my 1 837.60$ money lost in the Sprott Canadian Equity Fund would be to sell the fund and invest the whole 5 195.90$ that is currently in the Sprott Canadian Equity fund into EnCana (ECA). Why? Because currently, ECA worth around 35$. There’s good possibility for EnCana to double in value in the next upcoming months. It had reached 60$ and something before, it could reached it again, especially knowing that EnCana gas reserved are spectacular. Gas is certainly more powerful than Eric Sprott on the stock market… or me… lol… don’t you think so?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

An earthquake hit Montreal today

I knew I wasn’t dreaming: there’s been a earthquake today in Montreal! I felt it! And it was like wouahhhhhhh, what’s going on? I was working at the time it happen on the 5th floor of a building downtown Montreal. It didn’t scare me, but I look at a colleague of mine and he back look at me… I might had that look in my face, hey, what’s going on dude? We were receiving calls. I was on call when I felt it shake. It actually shake hard for a couple of seconds, but after it pass away. I didn’t talk to no one about it. It was a small earthquake but still. Enough to feel it. I quickly forget about the incident as we were receiving calls after calls… But just now by reading the news…….. yep, there’s been an earthquake today in Montreal!

Just my checking into my online broker account, I received today Enbridge Income Fund (ENF.UN) dividend, a 29.76$ that bring 2 brand new units in the house! Its always a new surprise everyday, to come home, check my broker account, see if a new dividend had came in… So far for 2010, I am now at 1 620.40$ in dividend income, which is not bad at all. By the end of 2010, I should received somewhere around 4 300$. Wouldn’t be nice to go on a vacations one day on dividend money? Also today, I had received 24.17$ from Bell Aliant (BA.UN). The dividend are slowly adding up. Nice! I am looking for a nice paycheck next week of my daytime job because of the infamous St-Jean Baptiste. And of course, I won’t be celebrating the St-Jean Baptiste tomorrow.

And good news, I am still working at my part-time job this weekend. So life is good far, despite living it in Quebec.

Monday, June 21, 2010

It was time for a little investment portfolio update

I am always happy when the TSX gains some points. At some point of the day, the TSX had reached 12 000 points. When it did, I told myself, its still possible despite everything, I have a chance to make it happen (I mean reach my 100 000$ in assets of course!). The first time I did after work was to buy 2 lottery tickets (I am feeling quite lucky these days I have to say despite my work situation, but work is not everything, right?) and updating my investment portfolio. And the result is just WOW! Still work on the way, if I had money to invest it could be even better but… no rush, it’s the summer! :0)

Anyhow, let's talk business lol - I am now at 88 336.16$ in assets, a gain of 1 503.54$ compare to June 11. Just missing 1 663.84$ before hitting the 90 000$ in assets! Even there, knowing that just so little money is needed before I reach my goal, I am not in a big rush to search for a job or do anything like it. Guess getting rich had this positive effect on me lol. But if my portfolio is doing well, I still have a major problem to resolve, that being the expiration of the promotional rate on 2 of my credit card balance transfer – that being a 8 000$ and something that I borrow to invest. On date of today, I don’t regret my move, my investments are doing great. I enjoy the dividend. I obtain gains on a regular basis. As my goal being to preserve my capital and earn dividend and not to beat the index and blow my mind, I guess I can say I had obtained strong results – keeping in mind what are my objectives. Major dividends are in the way. In total of the month of June, I am waiting for something like 400$ as I previously said I thing.

I am just very happy with the results of today. Tralala!

My stock investment portfolio in date of June 21, 2010

1 000$

Non registered Investments:
Stocks and Units investment portfolio

Sprott Inc. (SII): 1 802.50$
Timminco (TIM): 124$
Blue Note Mining (BNT): 30$
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS): 5 464.30$
Hanwei Energy Services (HE): 124.50$
Methanex Corporation (MX): 2 317.50$
Fortis (FTS): 2 989.20$
Pembina Pipeline Income Fund (PIF.UN):
7 521.05$
Just Energy Income Fund (JE.UN): 9 632.59$
Yellow Pages Income Fund (YLO.UN):
2 825.75$
Bell Aliant Regional Communications Income Fund
(BA.UN): 2 552$
Pengrowth Energy Trust (PGF.UN): 2 148.66$
Enbridge Income Fund (ENF.UN): 4 206.70$
Corby Distilleries Limited (CDL.A): 1 555$
Davis + Henderson Income Fund (DHF.UN):
1 728$
Premium Brands Holdings Corporation (PBH):
2 574$
Cash: 5.50$

TOTAL: 47 601.25$

Tax-free savings account (TFSA):
RBC O’Shaughnessy Canadian Equity Fund:
2 700.19$
The Consumers’ Waterheater Income Fund
(CWI.UN): 1 876$
Sprott Canadian Equity Fund:
5 195.90$
Dumont Nickel Inc. (DNI): 431.25$
Cash: 54.09$

TOTAL: 10 257.43$

RSP investment portfolio:
Claymore Gold Bullion ETF (CGL): 3 758.56$
EnCana Corporation (ECA): 3 524$
Emera Incorporated (EMA): 5 090.40$
Cash: 9.68$

CIBC Dividend Growth Fund: 502.69$
CIBC Emerging Markets Index Fund: 399.17$
CIBC Monthly Income Fund: 1 004.88$

Energy and Base Metals Term Savings (Indexed term savings): 546.25$
Natural Resources Term Savings (Indexed term
savings): 502.06$

GIC National Bank: 1 170$
GIC Plus: 500$

TD Canadian Bond: 114.65$
TD Monthly Income: 105.65$
TD Emerging Markets: 79.51$
TD Energy: 82.41$
TD Precious Metals: 112.13$
TD Latin American Growth: 91.24$
TD Entertainment and Communications: 103.87$
TD Dividend Growth: 200.34$
TD U.S. Mid-Cap Growth: 99.49$

Maritime Life International Equity Fund
(Templeton): 589.85$
Manulife Simplicity Growth Portfolio: 837.28$
Maritime Life CI Harbour Seg Fund: 995.35$
Maritime Life Fidelity True North Seg Fund: 960.04$
Maritime Life Trimark Europlus Seg Fund: 560.05$

Great-West – various: 1 753.62$

RBC Canadian Dividend Fund: 511.86$
RBC U.S. Mid-Cap Equity Fund C$: 1 765.73$
RBC Global Resources Fund: 833.08$
RBC O’Shaughnessy International Equity Fund:
RBC O’Shaughnessy All-Canadian Equity
Fund: 1 026.82$

GIC Canadian Market: 1 000$

TOTAL: 29 383.72$

Social Capital at Desjardins Membership share
for 3 accounts: 40$

Savings + Stocks, units, mutual funds + Tax-
free Savings account + RRSP + Online Income

88 336.16$

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Will I have financial trouble among the way?

This is it, but I knew it, my weekend job is coming to an end. Usually, spring and the summer are among their real busy months, but this year, seems like major contracts had been assigned to other companies and well, I may not be working at my weekend job until September. I am working this weekend. Today I came back from work and was tired. Yesterday, I went watched La Compagnie Créole at the Francopholies (a Montreal French festival) and it was really great. After their show, there was other shows, like Xavier Caféine that I wanted to see, but I was way too tired and remember, I have no more metro pass so after the show of La Compagnie Créole, I have to walk back home, around 45 minutes I guess but still. I just wake up, around 2 hours of sleep and here I am, looking at my overall situation and my investment portfolio.

I am not making that of a salary but I always been able to manage everything that could happen to me, financially speaking. And here am I, soon without my weekend job. Not that I was making that much money, but I knew the work and the salary I was earning allow me to pay my rent, among other. With that job plus my daytime job, I have to say, everything was working perfectly well. I taught maybe I was going to have work for July, but it might not be. Even for next week, I am on « stand by » I was told, so I will see what happen. In a certain way, I just cannot wait to spend my weekend at doing stuff I want. Montreal is really great in the summer (despite the Quebeckers lol) and the Jazz Festival is coming really soon! Many great bands. I don’t know most of the band that are coming to play, if not just Lionel Richie. The ticket is a bit expensive for me so I won’t see him. BUT I will be seeing the free shows and maybe one show at the Astral, new theater, very great. It will change to see shows always standing on my 2 feet. That can be quite exhausting after a couple of hours, especially after a day spends at wok. Last year, I wasn’t able to see too much shows of the Jazz Festival as I was working during the evening. But now, I will be able to go see all the shows I want.

Even if I am out of a weekend job, I will be able to make ends meet. I will be missing the money and I will definitively not be able to make any new investment in the upcoming weeks but – can’t you imagine the freedom of not working 2 days in a row? I had been working during the weekend non stop from January to June now, which makes 6 months. From what I had experiment so far with my weekend job, I am always getting out of work every 6 months or so. Which mean that my time had come...

So now, I am stock in a position where I want some free time (2 days off in a row, think about that! lol) and reaching my financial goal, which is to reach 100 000$ in assets in case you don’t know lol – and all that by the end of 2010. But if it doesn’t happen, it won’t be the end of the world either. At this time, I am pretty more into free time than getting involved in a job search. So what’s going to happen to the Dividend Girl? Am I going to survive? And the big question: will I have financial trouble among the way? That’s all depend.

Let’s take a look at my budget.

This is my real frugal budget for the upcoming month:

Rent: 545$
Internet: 50$
Student loan: 99$
Credit card 1: 50$
Credit card 2: 26$
RSP loan: 108$
Credit line number 1: 150$
Credit line number 2: 100$
TOTAL: 1 133$

Yeah, I know……. Quite some money!

I will be making 250$ in payment on my credit lines. That money can be withdraw and use for other things in case of need. But of course, might be a good idea to take just in case of real needs.

Let’s say, anyhow:

1 133$ - 250$ = 883$

883$ is the amount of money going to rent and minimum credit card payments. I can handle this amount of minimum require. And of course, no metro pass… sniff sniff… lol.

And what about groceries? You know, like eating food oh lollllllll! I didn’t forget about it. I put myself on a 40$ grocery per week, for an amount of 160$ per month….

883$ + 160$ = 1 043$

At 1 043$, I will be able to meet ends without selling any of my investment. I will also be able to save around 300$ in cash each month also…

The hilarious part is the 160$ spend on groceries. Will I be able to spend as low as 30$ per month on groceries? Guess I am having no choices! Perhaps, this is just so the perfect time to begin a diet and finally loose that baby fat! Just soooo the perfect timing, just 2 months before my birthday. I may fit in a bikini by than, who knows? And if it happens, I promise a picture! LOL!!!!!!!!!! Time to watch out, the Dividend Girl getting ready to fit in a bikini. And a real small one! lol! Can you imagine, 120$ in grocery per month??? No more Second Cup coffees, that’s for sure.

Anyhow, as I am getting all excited, I have real good news for my old colleagues of BMO Bank of Montreal: Wal-Mart is going to offer banking services all across Canada at a super low price! Isn’t great? BMO Bank of Montreal will stop being ripped off by incompetents! Say hello to Wal-Mart, say hello to tiny little banking fees (and my tiny bikini)! Hurrah to Wal-Mart! The summer is going to be HOT. Real hot!

Ok……. REWIND, let’s go back to my very own personal financial situation.

Just to say quickly that I will be living on that kind of difficult budget until my weekend job come back or until I find another job. But for now, just thinking about having the upcoming weekends just all for myself make me feel happy. At a point, I could also cash in my dividend if I want to have a bit more comfortable living to bring an around 360$ extra in the house per month. But at this time, everything stay the same, and the 100 000$ assets goal stay on « stand by ».

I had received this weekend 14.42$ in dividend from Pengrowth Energy Trust (PGF.UN) and earned one extra unit. For the month of June so far, I am at 229.34$ in dividend earnings and for 2010 so far, I am at 1 590.64$. Very far behind the Dividend Lover who is at close to 19 000$ in dividend earnings (check that out!), but when it come to dividend, I compete with my own little self, not with the big guys like Dividend Lover. You know, got to keep it real.

Of course I wasn’t planning living on a so tight budget ever in my life but my laid off of BMO Bank of Montreal wasn’t plan either. (!!!!).

And what else? Just one last thing!

I had close to 8 000$ at 4.5% in a credit card balance transfert that’s going to end in October and an exact 1 273.88$ at 3.5% ending in September… After what, the interest rate will be of 19% or somehing like it… We might be only in June, but time pass by so quickly... and September and October are not that far away… So what are the alternatives?

-Pray God to be target for a credit card balance transfert at low interest.
-Ask TD for a credit line increase.
-Check out at RBC for a credit line.

Yep………… DIFFICULT isn’t?

Why having it simple and nice when everything can be complex and……. so difficult lol……… It’s going to be a very fun summer! I am still in search of a solution at this time.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A gain of 537.80$ for my non registered investment portfolio

My investment portfolio is now at 47 281.72$, which represent a gain of 537.80$ compare to my latest update. I didn’t have time to update my portfolio. I am trying very hard to do some extr hours at my job. Only problem – too many calls. So many calls, that I don’t even have time to catch my breath between calls. And of course, this exhaust me even more. I wonder for how long it will keep going on. I really cannot wait for the weekend! I hope there will be work for my at my weekend job because belive it or not, I now have around 700$ accumulated on my RBC Visa. It’s because of the shopping of last month. I will be able to pay off this credit card by July 2, before facing the interest… My RBC Visa is the card I use for my everyday purchases – including shopping. So everything calculated all together make this huge balance.

Good news! Premium Brands Holdings Corporation (PBH) had announced yesterday a 0.294$ per stock dividend for June 30. Strangely, I was doing search on Premium Brands Holdings Corporation to chech how in world the stock keep loosing value: from a fabulous 14$ or so to not even 13$... What’s going on? I was thinking about selling. But now that the company had announced a dividend……… which mean money in the house right (58.80$) – I won’t sell Premium Brands Holdings Corporation.

The DRIP for Pembina Pipeline Income Fund (PIF.UN) is back!

I received 3 brand new units from Pembina Pipeline Income Fund (PIF.UN) DRIP, for a total of 54.08$. Also, I had received Yellow Pages Income Fund (YLO.UN) dividend (29.41$) and Corby Distilleries Limited (CDL.A) dividend – 14$. After the DRIP, I had left 19$ in cash, which I use 2 days agot o go to the moviie. My paycheck for today is only of 648.02$. So whatever money is welcome. Looking forward for a better paycheck in 2 weeks, how about 800$ or 1 000$? But it will all depend on how mnay hours I can support working without risking my mental health (yes, there’s that many calls!!!!) lol.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The weekend quickly pass by

It’s been a quiet weekend as I work all weekend long – again lol. But I won’t complaint, as I needed the money. See I received my TFSA over-contribution penalty paper. I need to pay an amount of 75$. I had made an over-contribution that last for less than a month last year. But even there, a penalty needs to be paid and I have to say, I was upset when I open up that letter. Look like a part of the money I had put aside will go as penalty payment.

Anyhow, my life is not all of bad news. I calculated my overall investment portfolio value this Friday and I only lost around 200$. I am currently at 86 832.62$. I wanted 90 000$ for July. I may be able to make it if the value of my investment rises a bit. Luckily, I might be able to make a 2 000$ investment. Why? Because there’s O-V-E-R-T-I-M-E available at my job, full open, not like last time. So get ready for the 50 hours per week! I am even having problem to reach the 35 hours per week right now lol but I am ready to push it a bit further. See, every single time I am thinking about job searching, something happen. This time, its overtime. In those difficult times, I prefer to stick to what I already have and do overtime. So this is how life goes for now.

Thank you

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