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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Hydro One Limited (H) is giving a nice little punch to the TSX

After being left almost constipated by Montreal flushgate, I was hoping for better days. But after that came Paris terrorist attack. However, the stock market went in the opposite direction and surprise, gains in points.

YES. Today world is a crazy hell.

At now $126 120.14, my non-registered portfolio is in a better posture, but its still behind the usual 135k where I should be. Especially after investing a bit more than 2k in Hydro One Limited (H). I do not regret my investment in Hydro One, it make a great addition to my portfolio. Best thing of all, my investment in Hydro One Limited (H) had gain 2.86% in value. And I have a few stocks like that who are performing very well. Thanks to all of them, my non-registered portfolio is exceeding the 125k value. Its a good step in the right direction, but I need a stronger TSX before I can see the same good results as of April 2015

From what I read so far, financially speaking, 2016 should be a better year. I am not an anxious person, but the taught of having my shit going straight to St Laurent river had impacted on my way of living for a few days. And the stock market volatility had an impact on my everyday life. St Laurent River? The moron who is the Montreal mayor Denis Coderre don't give a damn. Reactions haven't been very strong on what was happening. This is so disgusting. We are going to die in hell for letting this happen.

Reality check being, I am very happy not be a Quebecker. I couldn't live with myself if it was the case.

Currently, since the flushgate is over, my only concern of the time is my margin which is at $67 296. Its a bit high for margin usage.

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