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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Eric Sprott 2176423 Ontario Ltd spy company getting involved in RNC Minerals (RNX)

Its just really hard to believe that we're now in October. Since my family is away in New Brunswick, my cell phone is always on, just in case of emergencies. My mom call me this morning while I was sleeping like a marvelous princess to tell me... that Radio Radio was playing at Radio-Canada. So I get up, get dress, did my makeup, but imagine, I didn't get to see Radio Radio at all because tickets were needed... Too bad, but I came back with pictures with stars, autographs and excitement and with cool pictures of the decor of my favorite TV series, Unité 9.

I now only have left $1 481.35 as balance to be paid off on my credit line! I am just very happy to see it going down. Its a real pain to see that money wasted on debt payment rather than investing. It's probably going to be all paid off in November only because I am getting ready for a few vacation days.
My non-registered portfolio close lower this past Friday, I am now at $142 273.56. Stornoway Diamond Corp (SWY) still up and closed at $1.17. I was reading a newspaper this weekend when the print name of Eric Sprott spot my eyes. And not for the good reason. Oh no, not Eric Sprott!!! Over the years, I mostly lost money by trying to follow Eric Sprott. In my case, timing was all wrong. I mostly lost money on Sprott Inc. (SII), in Sprott Physical Silver Trust UTS (PHS.U), Timminco (TIM) and Sprott Canadian Equity Fund. Eric Sprott may be retired, but he's still unfortunately involved in the market. This time, not under the name of Sprott Asset Management, but under a company number that you need to watch out for: 2176423 Ontario Ltd.

Eric Sprott own 10% of Royal Nickel Corp (RNX). Royal Nickel Corp (RNX) is soon going to change name to RNC Minerals, but ticket will remain the same. For now, RNX only worth $0.43 per share. Stockopedia StockRank for RNX is super low. For which reason Eric Sprott decided to invest that much in RNX and its certainly to make big bucks out of it. At $0.43 per share, RNX could be a good momentary trade, but don't hold to it for too long because when Sprott will sell, he won't be making any announcement and it will hurt the value of RNX. Previously this year, RNX hit on $0.63. And knowing that Sprott is in the game, its quite tempting to invest in RNX. If I do, I will get out very quickly. Remember that Eric Sprott is an unpredictable investor. Only a quick buy and sell should be consider. Maybe this time Eric Sprott worth be following.

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